This is the fourth part of this project. The aim is to make a custom 7-segment display controlled through the I2C interface. The development was broken down into several parts to show how I evolved the design. The display module will be controlled by an ATTiny85 and this will then drive the 7-segment displays using the 74HC595 8-bit shift register.
In this part I am going to expand the command interface to allow digits to be flashed automatically. If you think about changing values like time on a clock, with a 7-segment display. When you are changing the time, the relevant numbers flash. I don't want the I2C master to be perform this task. Since we have a microcontroller, we can simply set a register on the display to indicate if it should flash a digit.
If you would like to see the video on the part, please feel free to click the link below.
Before getting started, If you want to see the first or second part of this project then click on the links below: