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Making Sense Of The World

Welcome, Todays world is becoming more technological every day. Making Senser Of The World (MSotw) was established to help people to understand the basics of these new technolgies. The rapid progress of technology is leaving a lot of people behind in their understanding. People are even ignoring technology completly, often saying its 'too complex'. For our society to grow, it is important that we all understand the basics. We are going to try make these technologies understandable by all.

Keeping Control of Technology

Latest Arduino Pages

Adding SD Card Support

Adding SD Card Support

An easy guide to using SD cards with any Arduino project.

ATTiny85 Display Module Part 4

ATTiny85 Display Module Part 4

Updating the interface to allow digits to be flashed automatically.

ATTiny85 Display Module Part 3

ATTiny85 Display Module Part 3

Expanding the I2C interface to allow changing the I2C address using the EEPROM.

ATTiny85 Display Module Part 2

ATTiny85 Display Module Part 2

Programming the ATTiny85 to be an I2C slave device to drive a display module.

Latest Project Pages

ISP Programmer

ISP Programmer

Building an ATTiny85 ISP using the Arduino Nano.

Dice Project

Dice Project

A project creating an electronic dice using the Arduino Nano and SSD1306 display.

Morse Code Project

Morse Code Project

A project detailing how to convert a text string into Morse code.

Latest Electronic Pages

Logic Level Converters

Logic Level Converters

What are logic level converters and how to use them.



What are SIPO shift registers and how to use them.



What is an analog multiplexer and how to use them.

RC Filters

RC Filters

What does a basic electronic filter do and how to build one.